Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I don't really look back on these things, so sorry if I tell you things over and over....

Thank God, first of all before I update on anything else, that I have not been spending as much time at the dentist. :) It really is better that I have had all the problems with my teeth that I've had here, instead of back in the states. So thank you JC for both the cheapness and now for being done. Well sort of. I am still going to take kids every wednesday until they have all gotten the chance to go to the dentist and get updated on their dental needs. But this is not agrivating like having all the problems myself and going almost everyday of the week.

Some new things that have been going on...

This past weekend and Monday and today have been "Carnival". It's the time before lent. Some traditions of celebrating carnival are....dumping water on anyone and everyone who is walking down the street, as well as throwing water balloons at anyone and smashing an egg with flour on someones head. The Ecuadorian schools get the Monday and Tuesday of carnival off, however being dedicated as we are :) still had school. In the afternoon we filled up numerous water balloons and had the hugest water fight I have ever had in my entire life. It was amazing. A few of us even got the whole egg and flour on the head part of carnival. I think the kids really enjoyed having carnival...even though we still had class.

In class for math we are still working on odd and even numbers as well as telling time and counting money. For english we are working in books called "All Around Me" we do worksheets from the book as well as keep a journal that we write in at least 1 or 2 times a week using only the english we know or with pictures.
For Angel (my 11 year old boy who can not read) I just copied a whole book "Beginning to Read" which we will work one on one with him. It has great activities that I think will really help him. From what we have done so far he is already trying to sound out words. I think he will be reading by the end of this year for sure.
The kids are starting to use their english more and I am really impressed with the things that they do know. A few of my older girls do a great job reading in english.
I am excited to see the end result of this year.

There is a group here right now from Fargo North Dakota, on Saturday I got the privilege of having breakfast with the ladies from the group and some other missionary women from the Shell community. The purpose of the breakfast was so that the ladies from the group could get to know women who lived and worked in Shell and hear about their ministry. It was really awesome to hear some of the things God has done in these womens lives. Lately He has been teaching me a lot and I have just been so blown away by every bit of it. I've asked God to start throwing rocks at me to remind me to live for Him daily. It's so crazy the things He shows and teaches you when you really want to learn and listen to Him.

I would absolutely love to talk about all these rocks and anything else going on with anyone. Email, phone, skype, facebook....

Here is all my contact info...please keep in touch!

Email- missie8085@hotmail.com
Phone- 816-256-3923
Skype- melissa.medlin
Address in the states- Melissa Medlin
6922 S Buckner Tarsney Rd
Oak Grove Mo 64075

Address in Ecuador- Melissa Medlin
Casilla # 16-01-854
Puyo, Pastaza
Ecuador, South America


Anonymous said...

It's great to see you post more. Do it more, more, more. I haven't posted in awhile...!

tinyhandslove is my thing on here.

I'd love to hear more stories. I'll probably call you later. Elaine is in town from Como tonight, which is REALLY great!..so she has to go to the airport at 9:00 pm.

I love you and I'm so glad God is throwing rocks, but maybe you could ask for water balloons instead of rocks. Less pain, more gain. Jk.

<3,Kallie Elizabeth

Elisha Lima said...

ha you reminded me of my blogspot so i decided to start it up again, thanks!